
GAA jury panel is consisted of experienced and reputed architects, designers, landscape architects, architecture photographers and other professionals connected to architecture, design, landscape and visual arts fields.

The complete jury panel will be revealed during the process.


GAA wants to set high quality standards for the winning projects. Therefore projects will be evaluated by the following parameters:

Aesthetics | Innovation | Originality | Functionality | Ergonomics | Durability | Integration | Ecological Compatibility | Emotional Impact | Coherence

All entries will be previously reviewed by our team before sent to the Jury members to assure only those who accomplish all the requirements are ready for the jury evaluation.

The jury votes and decisions are sovereign.

Jury Panel

Konstantinos Pantazis

Konstantinos Pantazis

Architect | PointSupreme | Greece

Peter Hasdell

Peter Hasdell

Architect, Professor | Insitu Project | Hong Kong

Jainika Shah

Jainika Shah

Architect & Designer | USA, India

Jinhui He

Jinhui He

Architect | TEG Design | USA

Xianlong Deng

Xianlong Deng

Architectural Designer | AS+GG | China, USA

Vassilis Kalampogias

Vassilis Kalampogias

Architect, Head of Communications | b720 | Greece, Spain

If you’re interested in being apart of our jury panel, please contact us.
