Multifunctional Cultural Center
Architecture | Cultural - Unbuilt

Multifunctional Cultural Center

GAA.2024 | Gold Winner | Architecture

The Multifunctional Cultural Center is designed as a labyrinthine structure.
Externally, the building looks like a closed structure of blank blocks, but inside, due to the labyrinth spatial organization and the transformational potential of the pavilions, the adventure and inspiring spatial experience begins.
The cultural center is located on two floors – the first and -1, where additional spaces are concentrated, in which a special action takes place: to get there, one needs to go down through a secret passage – a waterfall.
There are four main axes in the labyrinth, each of which divides the structure into “quarters”. The bottom left includes restaurants, the theater, and the offices. The upper left quarter incorporates a large pavilion with the main stage. The upper right sector is for the staff, hotel rooms, and an additional pavilion.

Studio Name

Kerimov Architects

Project Location

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Year of Conclusion


Lead Designer

Shamsudin Kerimov

Design Team

Shamsudin Kerimov, Ekaterina Kudinova, Tatiana Cherkasova, Demyan Tseselsky

Photography Credits

Kerimov Architects

